Janet is the founder, coach and consultant for Coaching Potentials LLC, focusing her skills on enhancing quality through facilitated dialogue, training, technical assistance, coaching, reflective practice, and team building. She is also an instructor teaching the Early Childhood Coaching Institute Certificate Program nationally, for which she led the design team in 2010. Janet has over 47 years of experience in the early childhood (EC) education profession supporting and developing federal, Tribal, state and local organizational systems. She has provided specialized child development, mental health/trauma-informed care, and shared leadership supports to over 150 EC programs as a national Head Start TA Specialist for 17 of those years. She has educated staff and parents as a consultant and coach, and been an EC Program Director, college adjunct faculty, teacher and advocate volunteer. Janet was a founding member of the Colorado Coaching Consortium and continues on its Steering Committee. She has a master’s degree in early childhood education from UC Denver, an undergraduate degree in Behavioral Sciences, and an international AMI Montessori teaching credential. Janet’s published articles and books, keynotes/speaking engagements, rich experience and education, and strong integrity to support developmentally responsive practices with children and adults attest to her ability to connect, inspire and transform lives. Her career focus has been on leveraging human behavior science to maximize human potentials.