KHSA is hosting a virtual ERSEA training led by Tammy Jelinek with WIPFLI. This four hour training will address ERSEA and will drill down on working with income and documentation in determining eligibility and also attendance. The training will be held via Zoom which will allow for an interactive session. Reg VII OHS staff will ...Continue Reading...
The Management Acceleration Program (MAP) is an expansive training program that provides Head Start/Early Head Start Directors and Managers a solid foundation of Head Start principles and management practices.
R7HSA 2021 Directors' Caucus. Delivering on the Promise. Special Guests, Dr. Bernadine Futrell, OHS, Tommy Sheridan, NHSA, Belinda Rinker, Jason Kotecki.
Recruitment and retention of qualified staff seems to be the current highest priority for Head Start Directors. How can programs best support staff to retain the ones they have and develop strategies for attracting those they need? What are the questions to ask, the data to gather, the strategies to learn, and who needs to be an integral part of such planning? We will explore all this and more, engaging each other as thinking partners in co-creating strategic short and longer term plans.
This training is full, however a waiting list is being compiled. Please contact Tina Bernskoetter, MHSA Executive Director at ( if you would like to be added to the list.
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Our Mission
The Mission of the Region VII Head Start Association is to ensure quality services for children and families by promoting and supporting the effectiveness of State Head Start Associations, Local Head Start Programs, and members.