Stoney Creek Hotel and Conference Center
Independence, MO
Don't miss this opportunity to hear a national perspective of current legislative efforts on behalf of at risk children and families. Special Guest, Tommy Sheridan, Director of Government Affairs, NHSA.
Marriott Hotel Overland Park, KS
10800 Metcalf Ave, Overland Park, KS, United States
Please join the Region 7 Office of Head Start, T/TA System, peers and colleagues from across the Region for an Introduction and Overview of the Head Start Program Performance Standards.
Regional Office
601 E. 12th Street Room 349, Kansas City, MO, United States
Effective fiscal management begins with the development of the program budget. This session will address the fundamental development of the line item budget which includes the federal categories of personnel, fringe, supplies, etc. while also exploring the relationship of the budget to the community assessment.
May 8 — 10. Marriott Hotel, Country Club Plaza, Kansas City, MO. Look for more information from the National Center on Early Childhood Health and Wellness. Contact your Program Director regarding registration.
Parents Interacting with Infants Institute June 6-7, 2017 Center for Family Policy & Research 1400 Rock Quarry Road, Columbia MO 65211 CLICK HERE for event details. Questions? Contact Tina Bernskoetter, MHSA 573-884-5078
Growing Futures Early Education Center
8155 Santa Fe Drive, Overland Park, KS, United States
This training is open to all Head Start programs and their partners in our four state region, so please feel free to pass it on to all Head Start programs in your area.
Hyatt Regency 2799 Jefferson Davis Highway Arlington, VA 22202
2799 Jefferson Davis Highway, Arlington, VA, United States
Register at September 25 - September 28 Leadership in Action Now more than ever, the leaders of the Head Start community need to come together to preserve Head Start’s current funding level and structure. There continues to be a massive amount of change underway in Washington, and we need to continue doubling-down on our leadership ...Continue Reading...
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Our Mission
The Mission of the Region VII Head Start Association is to ensure quality services for children and families by promoting and supporting the effectiveness of State Head Start Associations, Local Head Start Programs, and members.